take aim

英 [teɪk eɪm] 美 [teɪk eɪm]

瞄准; 瞄准;对准


  1. You should take aim like this.
  2. The captain orders "take aim", finally.
  3. While these suits take aim at the passive board, the question remains: where were the shareholders before and why did they not take action sooner?
  4. Now, the OMG is building on the success of CORBA and the UML to take aim at the problems arising from the proliferation of enterprise middleware.
  5. The logical 21st-century update would take aim at our relationship with technology, but Mr. Brooker said he wanted to deliberately unnerve the viewers rather than scold them.
  6. The central government's most recent austerity orders take aim at some of the most visible symbols of official excess.
  7. The hunters slowly take aim and – click.
  8. When markets become the bearer of bad news, there is a natural tendency to take aim at the messenger.
  9. The player knelt down to take aim.
  10. Or take aim at the one person you know won't be offended: Yourself.
  11. You must take aim at the fierce tiger carefully before you shoot.
  12. But this time we're just sitting by and watching the Japanese take aim at one industry after another.
  13. Several times I saw Captain Nemo stop and take aim with his rifle; then, after sighting down its barrel for a few seconds, he would straighten up and resume his walk.
  14. The surest way to his woman's heart is to take aim kneeling.
  15. Iraqi assassins are being asked to take aim at hundreds of intellectuals whose names appear on a hit list circulating in the country by an unknown group.
  16. Concentrate, take aim at the target and shoot the narrow part.
  17. No, chances are, he has a shotgun and will soon take aim at your noggin.
  18. They also take aim at a key segment of the shadow banking world, known as the repurchase, or repo, market.
  19. Our next scene shows our rugged Dwarf take aim and engage the powder-sprinkling Tauren.
  20. The green is large and well bunkered, so be sure and take aim at the right spot.
  21. If the next French and American presidents are returned on the basis of campaigns that take aim at Chinese manufacturers and western bankers, that is likely to be reflected in future policy.
  22. But US retailers appear to have decided that it would be more effective to take aim at a Chinese target, rather than launch attacks on the Silicon Valley-based ecommerce site.
  23. Press your cheek against the stock when you take aim.
  24. Press your cheek against the stock when you take aim. butt stock for shotguns and rifles [ finished or only roughly shaped]
  25. The game operate: The mouse controls a direction, press the blank space key beginning, mouse the left key take aim at trapshooting.
  26. Decide the areas you'd like to improve and take aim!
  27. Take aim at difficulty of mutual interfere elements in spectrophotometry, sdvance solve for methods of super-coupled equations, simply and easily.
  28. And then take aim and run a preliminary test.
  29. To take aim at the nonlinear character and complicacy in time series of the shallow water table, a method for prediction based on combination of wavelet analysis and artificial neural network, i. e.
  30. The automatic operation of taking aim and direction is completed, through communicating with the collimation computer, since the time at which to take aim is shortened, and then the accuracy at which to take aim is raised.



  1. point or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards
    1. Please don't aim at your little brother!
    2. He trained his gun on the burglar
    3. Don't train your camera on the women
    4. Take a swipe at one's opponent

    Synonym:    aimtaketraindirect